

Monday, July 28, 2014

New Hire Paperwork

Got another email from Disney! Yay! That means my arrival is getting closer :))))) I got an email on Tuesday, July 22nd. I think all Fall arrivals got the email around the same time, because my friend arrives 2 weeks earlier than me but got her paperwork just a day or two before me. So first they send you an email with your password, and a separate email with your user and log in info. Once you log in to the site they send you a link to, 4 or so different tabs will pop up and you have to complete each tab. This is all stuff like name, address, and this is where you'll set up direct deposit if that's what you want to do. Have your checkbook ready so you can set that up, if you want to do that! You also fill out your W-4 form, which I find impossible so you might want to have an adult on hand hahaha. The most difficult of this entire (and long and boring) process in the electronic signature. It actually sucks and makes you look like a toddler, but whatevs. That last thing you do is read and "sign" a bunch of forms. These are all like mini contracts saying you understand what will happen if you don't return your costume and stuff. Pretty much you sign your life away.

I had to fill this out on two different occasions because my internet was slow, but it probably took me an hour and half. So after this I think we're all officially in the Disney system. YAY!! Only a month until my arrival :) SO MUCH EXCITEMENT HAPPENING!!! I just want to know where I live and where I work...so curious. No patience. Well I hope this was informative, even though I know it's super boring to read. But at least we get as much of it out of the way before check-in as possible.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Disney Class Registration

So I know it's been FOREVER but this summer I'm working kind of in the middle of nowhere and I don't get service or wifi or whatever. So because of this, when class registration went up, I didn't know and therefore got waitlisted for a class I wanted. Darn. So basically how it works is you log into this completely un-Disney related website and sign in with your email and last name. Super easy. You will go through a page that's all about the different classes, just informational stuff. Then you continue to a mini survey, and finally to the class registration page. You can read about all the classes on the DCP website, but they're separated by the typical classes with homework that are most likely to transfer for credit, the exploration series which are essentially seminars, and major specific classes. I wanted Exploring Disney Heritage, and Exploring Environmentality and Sustainability. I don't need class credit though, so I get free rein :) They will have multiple days and times, and you bubble in your desired time. I picked Thursdays from 2:30-4:30 for EES (I think). Heritage was full so I bubbled "waitlist me and let me know if something opens up". This is 4 days or so after registration went up, so that class goes fast. All classes are from September 25th - November 13th. So basically in the off season. I have heard that you're guaranteed your class day off, so I would get all Thursdays off in that time period, but I don't know if that's true. And FYI the same class can meet on different days. So for example, my roommate and I are both in EES, but her class is on Wednesdays and mine is on Thursdays. So if you want a class with a friend, coordinate that and sign up at the same time! The major specific classes all go fast as well as Heritage, and I didn't pay much attention to the standard classes. I'M SO EXCITED. It looks like most if not all of the Exploration series classes do lots of field trips to the parks, and there's no homework, so you might want to look into that if class credit isn't a priority. Well that's about all I got. My arrival date is officially in 62 days!!! AHHHH!

Also. There's a super awesome girl I work with this summer who is also doing the DCP, but her arrival date is August 11th, and she's Merchandise. Crazy small world, right!? So thankful to be getting to know her :)

Also also, in case you're wondering. I work at Deer Valley Ranch in Colorado, waitressing and housekeeping and stuff. So that's where Katy and I met. But it's super gorgeous and fun here, you should probably check it out :)

Make it a magical day <3