

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Blogging or Vlogging Your Program: My 7 Tricks and Tips to Successful Blogging

I thought I would write a quick blurb here for all of you who wants to blog or vlog your program and do it successfully. The biggest issue people run into on their program is time. You get a couple weeks in and it's no longer as fun to write out how your week went, or take the time to edit vlogs. So here's my advice to keep yourself from straying from keeping up with your fans and followers :)
  1. Set realistic goals, then keep them. This could be posting at least two vlogs per month, or writing one blog post per week. My goal on the program was to write at least one weekly update every Sunday, and other "special" blog posts (such as apartment pros and cons, a day in the life of a QSFB CP, etc.).
  2. Make time in your schedule for it. If you use a planner, set aside one hour a week for blogging and vlogging, trust me, you'll be SO glad you set that small amount of time aside. As previously mentioned, I set aside Sunday nights. 
  3. Don't give up! It can be very easy to want to give up on blogging/vlogging and just spend time with your fellow CPs. Here's my advice: don't let blogging and vlogging take over your program, but don't give up because you're feeling lazy. It's incredibly easy to just set aside an hour one night a week to keep people updated, stick with it, you'll be so glad you did!
  4. Be honest. It's easy to only want to write or talk about the Disney magic and sunshine and butterflies, but the reality is, there's also rain. There are rude guests and there are weird wild turkeys and there are thunderstorms. Staying positive is one thing, but remember that the people reading your blogs or watching your vlogs likely are seriously considering doing a program of their own, and you're only doing them a disservice by ignoring the negatives.
  5. That being said, don't be negative about the negatives. Be straight-forward and honest, but don't use your personal blog or vlogs to complain about Disney. You've been given an incredible opportunity, and you never know who might be reading/watching your posts! 
  6. Going off of the previous two points, be professional. This means being honest, portraying your College Program in an authentic way, remaining positive even when addressing the negatives, and remembering that anything you post/say can/will be read by anybody. This includes your employers. I knew one girl whose manager watched her vlogs, forwarded it to her own manager, one thing leads to another, and she ended up meeting with the VP of Hollywood Studios. Seriously, professionalism is very important. 
  7. Have fun! Cheesy as it is, you don't want this to be a chore. Have fun, show your personality, and remember that you will look back on your posts and want to reminisce. 
Those are my 7 pieces of advice for you aspiring bloggers and vloggers! The biggest advice is to stay organized, professional, and honest. Trust me, you'll thank yourself later, and all of your readers/watchers/subscribers will appreciate it as well. 

Here are pictures so this looks more interesting.