

Thursday, February 27, 2014


I thought I'd do a blog post on how to get into the DCP. If you do your research and are really genuine then you should be a shoe-in, but here are some tips. :)

Part One: Application

This should be very straightforward. Read the questions carefully and answer truthfully. There are no trick questions in here, it's just filling in personal information. The only time you might need to worry is if you have a criminal record, but that's all. It should be a piece of cake.

Part Two: WBI

The web-based interview is the next step. This part of the application is just verifying that you are the kind of worker that Disney would want to hire. It's personality type questions, and the most important thing is to be consistent. They asked me at least three different times if I was usually on-time, but using different phrasing. So make sure you read these carefully and answer consistently.

My next piece of advice for the WBI is to try to put "strongly agree" or "strongly disagree". Try to avoid the "neutral" zone. They are looking for people who are confident in themselves and their answers, and most people that don't get past this step tend to put neutral for a lot of answers, or don't read the questions carefully enough.

Oh, and also make sure you have enough time to complete it in one sitting because some of it is timed, and there's no going back and do-overs!

Part Three: Phone Interview

Pick a time for your phone interview that won't interfere with anything. I chose 9:15am because most of my hall mates were out or sleeping, so the dorm was quiet, and I gave myself lots of time before my first class which was at 11am. I would also recommend picking a morning time because the recruiters are giving interviews all day long, and by the end they are tired and tend to not give their full attention.

When you first answer your phone, write down the recruiters name (mine's name was Christy) so you can use it later to show them you truly care and were listening.

Many people say to smile when doing your phone interview, but I didn't because it's not natural for me to smile when I interview. I say do what makes you comfortable. If you are more comfortable smiling, then smile! I was able to give better answers when I focused on my answers, not my face. That being said, if you can talk and smile without it sounding forced, do it. Most interviewers recommend smiling, or at least speaking in a pleasant tone of voice! Try exude "Disney". :) If smiling feels too forced, then use your pleasant and professional tone of voice!! Just don't sound tired or uninterested.

MOST IMPORTANT PIECE OF ADVICE: when they ask you "why do you want to do the DCP?" DO NOT SAY "because I love Disney". Tell them about how it will help your career, and talk about wanting the Disney name on your resume, those are the people they hire. Seriously. MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION OF THE INTERVIEW. Also make sure to emphasize your work/volunteer experience and how that relates to your desired roles. If you have a ton of food experience but don't want to work food...talk about the other aspects of the job that might relate to whatever roles you are shooting for. Make sure you have thought about WHY you would be a great fit for your top roles and HOW those roles will help you professionally. They love hearing about how the program and program components will help you professionally in the future!

 It's okay to laugh and joke with your interviewer, but remember it is a job interview and to keep the basis professional.

I would recommend looking up potential situational questions they might ask you during your interview so you have a general idea of what you want to say, but don't write yourself a script, you want it to sound natural. It's okay to write down a few bullet points if you find a question that you think could stump you in the interview, but be sure your whole interview isn't scripted out!

 ASK QUESTIONS. Have a couple questions written out that you can ask them, some good ones are "what has your experience been with with Disney?" or "what are some good networking opportunities?" or something personal, yet career related. I asked three questions.

 At the end try and use their name somehow like "thanks Christy, for taking the time out of your day to talk with me!" or whatever.

Hint: longer interviews are usually a good sign, they mean you gave long answers and asked good questions, but people have been accepted based on all lengths of interviews! Some people have a 45 minute interview and aren't accepted. Just try keep it genuine. You don't need to give super long answers to explain yourself, but you also want to make sure you're giving a good well-rounded answer to their questions.

Helpful tip: Do NOT compare yourself and your interview to other interviews. They accept all types of people with all different backgrounds and interview answers. By comparing yourself to others you will only second guess yourself and stress yourself out!

Finally, join the Facebook page, but don't get super involved. Wait to find roommates until you're actually accepted. The Facebook group can connect you with a lot of cool people, but can also be a negative place if you're obsessive about it! Try keep it cool, and do all the roommate surveys and personal posts AFTER the first round or two of acceptances go out. And honestly? Sometimes the most involved people become super clique-y and are worth avoiding anyway.

That's it :) If you have any questions feel free to post them below and I'll get back to them as quick as I can! I wish you all the best of luck in your application process and hope you have a magical day!!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Phone Interview

JUST had my phone interview. I'm all shaky and my butt hurts but the hardest part is done! Now all I do is wait. So my interviewer called on an unknown caller number at 9:20am (my interview was for 9:15am) and so I picked up the phone and said "hi this is Marin". So first she just kind of talked about who she was, her name was Christy, and why she was calling. The first thing she asked was "why do the Disney College Program?" which kind of sucked because since it was the first question I was all shaky. But I told her for resume building, job experience, and networking opportunities basically. And she said "that's what we like to hear" so that's good I guess haha. Next she asked about job experience. She asked about my volunteer job at a local cat shelter, and asked what my duties were there and what my favorite part of volunteering there was. Then she asked if I wanted to add anything else as far as job experience goes. I did, so I told her about my experience as a camp counselor.

She asked me questions like "how do you handle an emergency" to which I awkwardly replied the guests safety comes first, make sure they're all calm then assess the situation and then act accordingly. She asked what the most challenging part of being a camp counselor was, to which I replied making sure the kids are acting safe while riding horses. She asked about what work environment I preferred, fast or moderate and I said fast. She also asked if I would mind working outdoors so I said no. She asked how I would handle a repetitive task, and I said everyday is a new day and every guest is really excited to see the Disney magic, it's my job to make that happen so I would just play off the energy of the guests and kids.

Then she asked about roles. She named all of the roles, and asked for my top two. I said attractions and FSFB. It was kind of funny though because I said "attractions and fast service food and beverage". Then I was like "uhhhh....did I say fast service?" And she thought I meant QSFB so we had a little laugh about that. She asked me what I would say to a kid that is too short to ride a ride, and if I was comfortable speaking in front of crowds and memorizing speeches. I told her I was comfortable speaking but sometimes I turn red and have little to no experience memorizing. She then asked me if I would be comfortable bussing tables in a full service restaurant which I thought was weird but I said yes. Then she asked me about QSFB and lifeguarding which was weird. Both of those roles were low and moderate interest, but after she found out I had a tattoo she took me off lifeguarding. She didn't ask anything about my other two high interest roles (merch and vacation planning). She made sure I knew I could be considered for all roles and I said yes.

When she asked about the Disney look she asked if I had tattoos or body modifications or piercings, so I said one piercing in each ear and a small tattoo on my ankle. She asked the dimensions and I said 1 inch by 2 inches. Then she told me I would have to wear socks and shoes at all times (hence the no lifeguarding) so I said that's fine.

Finally she asked if I had any questions, which I did. I asked about networking opportunities, which set her off into a long spiel haha. She verified my double major (Equine Science and Agricultural Business) and then talked a lot about Animal Kingdom and The Seas or The Land (or whatever it's called) in Epcot so I feel if I get in, I'll end up in one of those areas. I then asked about how the Campus Representative thing works, and if there were any equine related jobs offered by Disney. Then that was it! She said thanks for taking time out of your day, and have a magical day! I said thanks, you too Christy! Then she kind of giggled and hung up. I think it went okay, I was definitely a little awkward on some points but I think overall I answered everything pretty honestly and pretty well. She said I'd hear back in 2-3 weeks, if not sooner so let the waiting game begin!

My advice for the phone interview is to be prepared. Have a few notes (short bullet points) written out that you know you want to hit. The big ones for this would be why you want to do the DCP, how it would help you professionally, and why you're qualified for your top roles (and of course what your top roles are). Aside from that, pick a good time and location that will make you most comfortable. You should also have a few good questions written out to ask your recruiter, and write their name down so you can use it throughout the interview. I would also try to smile, but if that's too uncomfortable or awkward, at least put on your "pleasant and professional voice". Finally, I would recommend doing a little bit of research on Disney policy and use those rules to shape your answers. For example, you know that attractions largest emphasis is safety, so answer all your attractions questions by first addressing safety. That's it!! I wish everyone the best of luck :)

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Web-Based Interview (WBI)

I GOT THE EMAIL. I was chosen to take the WBI! Although it looks like most people are chosen. It took me an hour and a half after my "thanks for applying" email to get the WBI email. I took it right away and was done in about 20 minutes, but I go through these things pretty fast. The first section was all questions that weren't timed and was stuff like "on a scale of 1-5, 5 being it describes you, what would you pick?" for statements like "my friends consider me a good friend" and "I take work personally". That took maybe five minutes.

The second stage gave you...I already forgot. I think it was 60 seconds or something to answer some more questions. These were pretty similar, just getting to know your personality. I made sure all of my answers were consistent, so when they would rephrase questions such as "I'm a helpful person" and "I like to help my teammates and peers" I made sure I had the same answer. This one took me close to 10 minutes to complete.

The final stage gave you 20 seconds to answer questions and this was no different the first two stages, all personality questions and a couple situation questions (if a boy hit his thumb with a hammer, what would you do? And there would be 4 choices). This one took me 10 minutes as well and as soon as I finished I received this page:

My main advice on the WBI is to remain consistent in your answers, and be confident in your choices. Don't choose many neutral answers, they actually prefer you to choose strongly agree/disagree. And don't be afraid to be honest! I know one girl who received the question "Is the guest always right?" and chose strongly disagree, even though many are probably tempted to but strongly agree. They might accept both answers to this specific question, just be confident in your answer. So now I just wait for my email to schedule my phone interview :) SO EXCITED AND NERVOUS!!!!! The whole process took me from around 1:00pm - 4:00pm. One step left and I'll be in Disney!! Next blog: phone interview.

My Vlog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugth4wlcxco

Got The Email!!

So this guy came about half an hour after I submitted my application. Hopefully a WBI invite to follow? I'l probably be glued to my laptop for the next few hours!! Wish me luck and send me some pixie dust <3

Applications: Part One

So I just finished up my initial application! AH! The rumors were true, apps came out today, February 6, 2014. The dropped around...10am? Not midnight like everyone thought. So the initial application is extremely straightforward. You fill in name, social security number, whether or not you're 18, if you've had any misdemeanors (if you do, it won't necessarily count you out), prior work or volunteer experience, your preferred park, and which roles you want.

My computer froze and shut off in the middle, but it's okay because you can go back to it as many times as you want before submitting it. You can save your application, but only have 30 days to return to it before it's discarded. What surprised me the most was that you pick your roles in this step, I always thought you did that in the WBI! I put interest for every single role except housekeeping, and only put high interest for four roles: attractions, full service food and beverage, vacation planning, and merchandise. Most of the roles I put low or moderate interest. I got this window when I finished:

I should be getting a confirmation email which will let me know whether or not I move on the the WBI (web-based interview). That's it for now! My next post will be about my WBI (or lack thereof). Have a magical day :)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Waiting Game

It's officially February. Which means....APPS COME OUT! There's been lots of talk of the applications for fall of 2014 dropping February 6th, which would be THIS THURSDAY. I've waited two years for this and now it's almost here! Such a weird feeling. Ever since my junior year of high school two years ago I've been dreaming of being able to do the DCP, but now that applications are almost here I'm getting nervous. What if I don't make it in? Everyone already has roommates for next year, and my four year plan is built around this so that would suck. Send good thoughts my way please! Haha I'm SO prepared but I still get butterflies every time I think about it. Well that's all. Nerves are coming out! I'll make another blog post as soon as I fill out step one of the application process, but for now have a very magical Super Bowl Sunday :) GO SEAHAWKS!