

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Applying for Part/Full-Time Hourly Roles at Disney World!!

So in case you didn't read the end of my Summer Alumni post a few posts back...I got NLIC AKA rejected. Super surprised but maybe it was just clearing the way for something better ;) After I got my rejection, it lit a fire under my butt and I became all the more determined to come back to Disney. THEN my best friend down there had a room open up in her house so I started applying for normal Disney jobs and put in my two weeks with my current job! So crazy how fast that can all happen.

I applied for nine jobs all together, got rejected from most (I'll admit I applied to a lot of jobs that were a bit of a stretch!), am still in consideration for one, and got an offer (kind of?) for another!! The basic application process is similar to the DCP, a basic application where you can link your resume, input job experience, etc. Lots of the Disney listing also have a section where they ask "which of these jobs have you  performed?" and for example one job I applied to was Entertainment Stage Technician and the options were:

  • Operate floodlights and spotlights
  • Operate specialty lighting and preset lighting 
  • Operate video playback
  • Operate soundboard
  • Troubleshoot lights
  • Troubleshoot soundboard
  • Troubleshoot video playback equipment
  • None of the above
That wasn't the exact wording, but pretty similar. I had operated a lot of that equipment when I interned for our athletics department and worked sporting events, but never had to try fix anything broken so I checked off the first half. I ended up getting rejected from that position, but that gives you an idea of what it looks like!

So the job I actually had an interview was Full/Part-Time Monorails and it was a phone interview similar in setup to the DCP phone interviews. The biggest setup difference was that you can select phone interview or in-person interview at Casting. I chose a phone interview because I haven't moved down yet from Seattle. In the phone interview it felt like I had already been hired, so WAY more chill than the DCP. My recruiter just asked me the basics then asked why I wanted to come back then asked me what role I wanted (he saw I had applied to a lot). So it wasn't even ten minutes (maybe even five!!) into my interview and he was like "so what role do you want? I can put you down for basically any hourly role, but if you want to get hired ASAP then I'd go for QSFB, Merchandise, or Lifeguard". I said I would love to go back to Attractions but he said that waitlist is usually super long so I had him put me down for Lifeguard! So now I have my swim test on June 2nd (it's May 22nd today, same day I interviewed) and if I pass that then I get put on the Lifeguard waitlist, which apparently should go pretty quick! I honestly was a little fuzzy on how that worked, but that's what he told me! So even though I had applied for Monorails, I ended up getting an offer (kind of) for Lifeguard. Interesting.

And that's as far as I've gotten so far! He just said that once they do send me an official job offer I need to take a drug test within 48 hours. So I have no clue what to expect: if I'll get a job right after my swim test, or if I sit for a month of two. Hopefully I get an offer straightaway because I need to be able to pay rent!!

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