

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Disney College Program VS International College Program

The Disney College Program (DCP) and the International College Program (ICP) are very similar, but have a few distinct differences. The first one, obviously, being that to do the DCP you need to have American citizenship. The ICP's come from all over the world, they must be fluent in English and be in college, same as the American CP's. All Americans pick their arrival dates, and they range from early May to early September, the ICP's are all here for six months, so they have less flexibility on dates. Something really cool about ICP's, however, is that they get to work two roles. So the first three months (give or take a few weeks) they work one role, then switch for the second half of their program. All of the internationals that I worked with in QSFB worked merchandise for their second role. I don't know if those two just go together, or what, but that's how it worked for them!

Also, character performers don't switch halfway through. I actually met a lot of international character performers, but they stay character performers for the whole program. They were all fur characters, no face, but face characters are pretty rare for CP's anyways! The ICP's end dates were about a week or week and a half after ours were. Oh, and the Commons is no longer just for internationals! Also, the international students don't have the same arrival dates as CP's, so (for my program at least), we weren't allowed to room with ICP's, which is stupid.

If you have a roommate term for whatever reason, you might get a Brazilian in the late fall. I don't know if they have this program for spring, but the Brazilian CP's fall into their own category: they work from November - late January, and they're all from Brazil. Most of my friends who had an empty room ended up with Brazilian roommates (whom they loved!) so that was their best chance of getting placed with internationals.

So as you can see, there's only a few differences between the DCP and ICP programs. One of my favourite parts of the program was all the amazing internationals I got to work with!!

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